The Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Blog
And you might be doing it already!!
I’ve probably talked about this in some form or another many times, because it’s one of the biggest blogging mistakes I made personally. I see it happen all the time, and I want to save you from it!
The thing is, this harmful thing masquerades as something good and useful, which makes it all the more tricky to identify and avoid.
So what is the worst thing you can do for your blog? Too much research and learning!
Now, don’t get me wrong. Research and learning are both fantastic tools that can help you accomplish heaps of amazing things for you blog. The key is “too much.” In this case, there’s definitely such a thing as too much of a good thing.
For example, I was stuck in “research” mode for over two whole years before I hit “publish” on my first product. Two entire years of me just researching and learning and pondering and thinking without putting one single thing into action. Imagine how much further I’d be if I had actually put all that research into action!
So how exactly do you know how much is too much? How do you know if your research and learning is actually helping you or holding you back?
Here are some signs that all the research you're doing is actually holding you back:
- You just learn and don’t apply. Application is key here. Learning is great, but it does you no good until you apply it. Enough said.
- You spend so much time learning that you have no time left to apply. You should be spending more time applying and actually getting things done in your business than you do learning.
- When you buy a course, your number one goal is to consume all the course materials. I used to fall into this trap. I would buy an online course and get a lot of satisfaction solely from watching every single video in the course. It made me feel like I had accomplished something, and the more course materials I consumed, the more I felt like I was getting my money’s worth. This thinking is so backwards!! There is nothing gained solely by watching a bunch of videos. My goal should be to consume enough content to get a concrete plan for application to my business, and then I should execute. If I only watch 10% of the course videos, but I apply 5 specific things to my own business, that’s a huge win.
- Not having an investment mindset. There are two things you can invest in your business: your time and your money. When investing either of these things, you should be looking to maximize the return on your investment. This means when you spend an hour learning and researching, you want to see a big return on that hour spent. Same with your money. Perhaps you could spend 20 hours googling something and reading random free blog posts OR you could spend $200 and 2 hours on a course that will show you exactly how to do it OR you could spend $1000 and 5 minutes hiring someone to do it for you. The right option depends on where you are in your business, the potential return, and on what you have available to invest.
- You don’t apply what you’ve learned before you go chasing the next thing. You just become a course collector. That doesn’t mean there’s never a time to call an investment bad and move on. Yes, I’ve bought a course or two that once I got into it I realized I never should have bought. I didn’t keep wasting my time trying to force myself to learn and apply. I called it what it was: a bad investment and moved on as quickly as possible.
So please, don't get caught in this trap! I want you to be a success. Is this something you've struggled with in the past?
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Robin Says
All I can say is “yup!”
Dang! I read EVERYTHING, then never implement. This is my time.
Esther Says
One of the best posts I’ve read Laura! This is me, kinda. I started my blog a while ago, not quite two years. I spend ALOT of time tesearching and reading but very little time posting. I have some posts sitting on my phone but they might never make it to the blog. Thanks for the reminder that if I don’t start publishing more I’ll never get an audience.
Melisha Kreppein Says
I was almost afraid to read this post, but I’m so thankful I did!
I have purchased a couple of courses I believe are key to my audience and blog. I am forcing myself to get through them before purchasing any others. Because I am so busy applying everything I am learning it is taking longer than I expected to get through these courses.
Before reading your post, I was kind of feeling like a slacker for not getting through the courses more quickly. Thank you for the encouragement! It’s exactly what I needed!
Fiona Says
This is so me. I have just started unsubscribing to emails that I am not ready for so that I don’t get so snowed under with emails and webinars that are too far in advance to where I am. I bought the List Building Academy and never got to finish working on because of “shiny object syndrome”. The goal for me today is to start working on it and consistently working on my posts. Thank you for the reminder that I can’t do everything and the only way to get my blog up and running is to actually do.
Julie Stone Says
This is great reminder! Last week, I actually wasted an hour and a half on a “shiny new” webinar I found via Facebook. Granted there were some good ideas but my internet connection cut out right near the end so I didn’t even get to finish it! I felt so frustrated that I hadn’t just kept plugging away at my to do list instead- especially because I really knew better! My second frustration, however, is that every time I think I’m planning out my next steps, 20 more pop up because I just don’t have the experience with tech that I need. I have questions about everything!! Thanks for the stay-focused reminder! Great catchy title too!
K. Ann Guinn Says
I do struggle with doing too much reading/learning without action, and am considering why I do it. I guess I am either being lazy or scared and unsure of myself, so I don’t make a plan and/or take an actual step.
I’ve been blogging since the beginning of the year but still feel somewhat like a “newbie”. I have realized that it’s good to learn, but I need to actually get some material out there and implement what I know in order to grow. I’ve also heard it recommended to only apply one new thing at a time, so that’s what I’m trying to do.
I totally relate to your researching for two years before you started. That could have been me. I’m thankful for other bloggers such as yourself who love to share your knowledge and insights to help others grow, and for my husband who can host my blog and has the knowledge to help me (he has an SEO business).
Thanks for confirming what I’ve been learning to be true!
Julie at icanlivewithoutsugar Says
Oh, Laura!
Point me to the naughty corner. Guilty as sin!
One positive though is the latest course is one of yours….
Living and learning, always.
Time to apply!
Alicia Says
So TRUE! Thanks for the reminder to make decisions and get to work!
Summer Mauldin Says
Thank you so much for sharing your experience in this area. I especially appreciate the return for your investment point. It’s easy to forget the amount of time invested. Great reminders! Thank you!
Lindsey Says
YES! I spend far more time researching and “dreaming” about what to do, how to do it, etc. than I do actually doing it! Being on a tight budget (as a SAHM), I tend to spend more of my time than money; however, that may not always yield the best return!
Leticia Says
Excellent post Laura!!! really encourage to me finally go after my blog… stop learning and start applying… Thank you,
Amanda Espinoza Says
Thank you for this look in the mirror. Definitely somethings I do and need to quit doing. I appreciate your practical insights too. 🙂
Leasa Says
This is one of the best post ever! Great value and it sounds like me. Do you build blogs? Your guide to getting my blog up was very helpful but I am having trouble making it look “pretty”. Again thank you for the content.
LauraJane Says
Post authorHi, I don’t build blogs. My best recommendation for making it look pretty is choosing a theme that you like.
Layne Says
This is sooo me!!! I have been trying to learn and do growth that I’ve totally stopped posting over the last month and half. I blog on the side to raising kids/family and working and I have had some life stuff in between but in my little free time I’ve just spent learning and not actually blogging… I lost my groove and I need it back!!!! Ugh… I’m in two courses at the same time and I struggle with learning in bits and applying them!!! I need to get back on track fast and figure out how to get back into it while still applying and doing little bits of learning… time to get a plan together.
Molly Says
I had to raise my guilty hand here. My biggest obstacle is taking the course, sitting down to apply it and being totally blank with no ideas that are my own. I don’t want to copy others but be able to create from my own heart. The one thing that is helping me it to do ONE thing only. Just start somewhere and do one thing. Thanks for the nudge to implement what we have learned.