The Lies I Tell Myself About Blogging
As you probably know if you’ve been around here long, I’m a pretty open book when it comes to sharing all my blogging “secrets.” I share both my successes and failures in hopes that they will help you. Today is no exception.
I'll be sharing some lies I tell myself about blogging. I imagine many of you might telling yourselves something similar. Here’s the first lie I tell myself about growing an online business: I’m not good enough. That’s how I often feel. It seems like someone else takes the most beautiful photos of their planners, so my lame attempt at photography could never be good enough. All the popular Instagram planner accounts have the most beautiful handwriting and mine is not so pretty, so why even bother posting my planner pics? The list goes on.
Here’s the next lie I tell myself that is closely related (and, I promise, I’ll be sharing some solutions and we’ll definitely end this post on a positive note!): I’ll finally feel confident and good enough and it will all be easier when . . . When I first started my blog, I thought I was feeling wildly under confident because I had no blogging experience and no proof yet that I could be a successful blogger. I was sure that when I was finally making a few hundred dollars a month, I would have proven to myself that I could do it and I’d feel more confident. I also imagined that all those bloggers I admired who had tons of readers always felt confident.
Here’s the thing. When I finally did start making a few hundred dollars a month, I still didn’t feel very confident. Maybe that success was just a fluke. I was only making a couple hundred each month when lots of people were making thousands a month. Naturally, I thought I’d finally feel more confident when I hit the $1,000/month mark or maybe when I hit 100,000 pageviews/month. Well, of course, when I got there, I had all kinds of reasons why I felt under confident and tons of people were still way more successful than I was. You can probably guess the rest of the story. Even if you’re making six figures a month, there will be somebody making 7. Once you hit a million pageviews month, you’ll be striving for 2 million. It never ends.
Here’s the thing. Success itself won’t automatically make you feel confident. There’s nothing magical about making five figures or six figures or even seven figures that will make you feel confident. There’s nothing wrong with setting goals, striving to meet them, and improving, but there is something wrong with thinking that is what you need to bring you confidence. Plus, having confidence NOW will help you meet your goals faster.
Confidence comes from telling yourself the truth. Here are the truths that I’m working on internalizing:
- It’s okay to “fail.” Go ahead and give it a try. The worst that can happen is that it doesn’t work out. Are you thinking of starting a blog? Go ahead and start. If you blog for a few months and find out it’s not really your thing, that’s totally fine. Are you thinking of a creating your own product but are nervous about putting your work out there? Go ahead and do it. The worst case is that no one will buy it and you’ll move on.
- It’s okay to feel uncertain and scared when you do something new. Even the most successful people feel that way. Just keep going anyway.
- I may not be “good enough,” but God is. He can give me whatever talents, abilities, and success or failure that he wants me to have.
- Practicing stepping outside your comfort zone is one of the best ways to expand it.
- Now is the time to go do all those things you know you’d do if you were really successful.
Here is a recent scope I did on this topic that I'd love your thoughts on.
Is this something you've struggled with? How have you overcome confidence doubts? Let's have a conversation in the comments below!
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Emily Says
OMG, it was as if you read my mind. I’ve been blogging inconsistently for almost 2 years now and it’s because after every post I starting feeling down and think “who am I to think I can do this?, I’m not good enough to blog with the best”. But I’ve been reading a lot stories like yours and I no longer feel alone. Thank you for sharing your stories.
Treva Says
I really enjoyed your video. I have those same feelings. I have a very hard time with the technical side of blogging. So much that I have been signed up with BlueHost and WordPress since April 27th and worked so hard writing the pages that are permanent and my first two post. Then it has overwhelmed me so much I just stopped. I have wanted this for a long time and I still do but can’t seem to get started. I have disappointed myself again. I feel like people will think well who are you to think you can tell someone what is best. I’m so upset with myself.
Karen @ a house full of sunshine Says
I can’t tell you how much I love this!!!! Thanks so much for your transparency, I can definitely relate.
Daria Says
It’s so good to know I’m not alone. I am a new blogger and constantly ask myself “why am I doing this again?” “Is anyone even noticing?” But then I keep going because it’s just so much fun. Thanks for sharing your experiences. You’ve helped me feel better that it’s okay to just try some things and see how they work out.
Carolina Says
Thank you for sharing so honestly. I haven’t written my first blog post yet but when ever I sit and try I get so nervous I shut down. Sweaty palms and all.
Rosanna Says
I LOVE this. These are many of the exact things I think all the time. I am also learning that they are not truth.
Susan Says
Thank you so much for your video. I struggle with the same issues. You were so inspiring and helpful to not feel alone.
Marie Says
Thanks for being so honest! It’s like you’re a mind reader 😉
Manavi at Be For Beauty Says
I am currently in this phase! Hope this passes. Glad to see someone as honest as you out there.
Jennifer Says
This was really great to read. I struggle with confidence for sure, but sometimes I see what other “local” bloggers are doing and think “I can do that…and I think better!” Depends on the day….;)
Becky Says
This is a great post! As a new blogger these lies creep in often. Everyday I am learning something new, and growing. Thanks for your honesty.
Lori Says
I enjoyed your post immensely…. I’ve done all you’ve said, and it’s really a sign of pride (on my part) instead of looking to the Lord I’m looking sideways… such a good post. thank you sooo much. Applying things you’ve said. thank you thank you L
Leigh Says
Yes to everything you said. I’m in the process of starting a new blog. I am so nervous I haven’t even gotten started. It’s awful.
Emily @ My Love for Words Says
So true! Blogging is a black hole of never ending tasks and always working to improve stats! lol It’s taken me a while to kind of get used to that. It can be such a roller coaster.
Julie Says
Yes! Definitely can relate. I am a new blogger (if I can even label myself as that!) but I’ve been teaching in my niche (voice/music lessons) for quite awhile. As I have been trying to research others in my niche, I find the feelings of insecurity and confidence are intensified and it makes it really difficult to continue on my own path. Any suggestions on how others of you find good balance between knowing what’s out there and not perpetuating your own feelings of inadequacy?
Anna R Palmer Says
This is great. I want to add that I tell myself each post needs to be humorous and poignant, and take on all of life’s issues. Sometimes I can just write about peeing when I sneeze.