Streamline Your Mornings Challenge
The clean sink challenge and the load a day challenge have made a big difference in helping our household run smoothly. I'm excited to take it to the next level in August by keeping up with those two habits and adding the Streamline Your Mornings challenge!
This month we'll be focusing on developing and carrying out our evening and morning routines. I really believe that a smooth morning starts the night before, so I've grouped both the evening and morning routines together.
Also, if you haven't done the last two challenges (or if you've gotten off track and just need a do over), you can still do them. I'm even sharing current printables for those challenges in the Facebook group.
What you include in your evening and morning routines is completely up to you, and it will probably look different for each person. (That's why I've made the routine tracker editable, so that you can type in your own routine.) Here's my advice for creating good routines:
- Keep your routines as simple as possible. Simpler routines are easier to stick with, and it's better to have a simple routine that actually gets done as opposed to an elaborate one that only gets done occasionally.
- Try to focus your evening routine on tasks that will help the next morning and day run more smoothly. I really think of my before bed routine as getting a head start on the next day.
If you want to dive deeper into improving your mornings or if you feel like you need some more guidance on creating good, meaningful routines, then I highly recommend the Make Over Your Mornings course that was put together by my blogging friend Crystal Paine. I've always admired how much Crystal accomplishes each day (run a large blog and business, homeschooling 3 kids, traveling, speaking, etc) without being frazzled all the time, and she says one of her keys to success is her morning routine. The course will give you a peek into her routine and guides you step by step through creating a routine that works for you. It's only 14 days long (and each lesson has a short 3-5 minute video and a printable), so it doesn't take a whole lot of time.
I took this course when it first came out and came away so inspired and motivated. I'll be taking the course again during this challenge. I plan to do one lesson each weekday.
Are you with me for the challenge? If so, here's what you need to do:
- Click the image below to download your free printables for the challenge. There is one routine tracker and one calendar tracker. You can type in the headings for the routine tracker (instructions on the first page). It's designed so that you can choose which type of tracker you prefer, but you don't need to use both.
- Fill out the printable and hang it in a prominent location.
- Join our Facebook group for more support.
- If you want to dive deeper into improving your mornings, sign up for the Make Over Your Mornings course by Crystal Paine. I'll be going through one lesson each weekday in August until I've completed the course, and you can do it along with me if you'd like.
Disclosure: Affiliate links are included in this post. I only share products that I know, love, and would recommend anyway. Thank you so much for supporting my blog!
Maureen Says
I love that you are helping everyone out with these ideas. When my boys were little I had similar check lists that I posted at the door they used to leave for school. It’s great that you are breaking down organizing and showing folks that it really isn’t hard. I have a desktop that you posted sometime ago and find it invaluable.
Thanks so much.
Jennifer H Says
These are so cute and I was literally just looking up ideas for routines last night! Thank you so much!
Emily Says
I took the course myself a couple of months ago and absolutely loved it. I was thinking of retaking it when I landed on your post. It does feel better knowing that I can join a group for support. Thank you so much for that. 😀
Pingback: Streamline Your Mornings Challenge/Declutting Hack #3 | The Pixel Pin-Up
Asli Says
Hey it is so beautiful. Thank you 🙂