Planning Your Days
Our lives are made up of one day after another.
That seems like a pretty obvious statement. You might even be saying, “Yeah Laura, I learned about the days of the week way back in Kindergarten!”
But I am a firm believer in planning your days. All you have to work with is today. And if you want to make a change in your life, you’re going to have to make it one day at a time. I’ve designed so many daily planning pages in my life for all sorts of goals and purposes, and I’m so happy to share one of our daily planning pages from the Sweet Life Society with you today – for free! (Scroll to the end of this post to find the link!)
This daily plan provides six sections to quickly divide up and conquer your day and I’m going to walk you through each one.
Main Priorities
The “main priorities” section is always a must-have for any daily plan I create. I want to know that I am getting the right things done day in and day out, and that requires me identifying just what those right things are. I try to limit these main priorities to three to five items that I know I can accomplish within the day, and then, no matter what else I do that day, I make these items my first focus.
Speaking of focus, this daily planning page offers a section merely titled “focus”. This is a great place to set an intention for the day or to give yourself a word for the day. Maybe you spent some personal devotional time in the morning and want to call to mind all day long a passage you came across, or maybe a quote from your favorite podcast really stood out to you. This is the place to jot those important words and phrases down to remind yourself of who you are becoming.
Love them or hate them, we all have appointments almost every day. Whether that be an appointment with a dentist or doctor, a coffee date with an old friend, or the kid’s carpool line at 2:20 sharp, being in the right place at the right time can be challenging! Taking a few moments first thing in the morning to identify all your appointments can make your day run so much smoother.
To Do
Think of your to-do list like your “main priorities overflow list”. These are still top items, but not as urgent as the ones that made it onto your first list. Now keep in mind, this is not a wish list. I’d love to move the furniture and clean all the baseboards in my house – but I know that that just isn’t going to happen most days. I keep my to-do list limited to items that could reasonably be done within the day, but I hold it very loosely, realizing that if I never even glance at it after it’s made, the day can still be a complete success!
Grateful For
Oh, gratitude. What a difference taking a few moments to be thankful can make! I’m always surprised that no matter how badly things are going, and sometimes they truly are going badly, taking a few moments to list some things I’m thankful for can really put everything in perspective and make the hard a little more bearable. How might it affect our lives if we spent time every day being grateful?
This last section is your catch-all. Is it a friend’s birthday? Did you get the number of a great carpet cleaning service from a neighbor and needed a place to jot it down? Or maybe there’s something you need to stick on your main calendar but didn’t have a chance to right in the moment. This section is the place to hold all those quick notes and thoughts.
As promised, I’m giving away the daily planning page featured in this post for free! You can click below to download.

This page is just one printable in an entire pack called our “monthly pack” available in the Sweet Life Society. If you like what you see, you can click here to learn more about how you can get more printables just like this one!
If you’d like a peek at some of the other pages available in the monthly packs, you can follow the links below!