Live Workshop: Create Your Own Printables
It’s definitely no secret that I am completely obsessed with pretty organizing and homemaking printables! I’ve created literally over a thousand printable pages in the past couple years. Every year, I design a new version of the Sweet Life Printable Planner, and I’ve run three 31 day free printable series so far where I pick a new printable to design every single day for 31 days. I’ve also designed thousands of pages of printables for the Sweet Life Society. I love helping people stay inspired and organized with pretty printables!
It has been so fun showing others exactly how to create pretty printables for themselves, and I'm excited to bring back the workshop again! Readers often ask me for advice about how to create printables for themselves or want me to customize a printable just for them, but unfortunately there’s just not enough hours in the day to do that. I really want each of you to be equipped to create a printable that’s just EXACTLY what you want, but it’s just too much information for one e-mail or even a long blog post.
I have an upcoming live workshop on April 20th at 1pm (eastern) to show you how to create a pretty printable from start to finish using software that many of you already have. In the workshop, I’ll:
- Walk you through on video how to create a printable from start to finish using Excel (you can download a 30 day free trial if you don’t already have the software)
- Show you my favorite fonts and font combos
- Share where I like to get pretty fonts for free (including commercial use fonts)
- Share my favorite places for graphics to include in my printables
- Share my favorite color combos
- Include a basic daily planning page template for you to use as a starting point to quickly customize for yourself
- Share which fonts and colors I used in the Serenity Edition of the Sweet Life Planner
- Send you a video recording of the webinar so you can refer back to it at any time or view it if you didn’t attend live
- Include a Q&A session so you can ask questions about creating your own printables
Click below to join the waiting list so you don't miss this live training the next time it happens! In this workshop I'll share all my knowledge for just $25 and some time out of your day. Hope you'll join us!
Kylie Says
Is anyone else having a problem with the sign up link?? It’s stating I don’t have any items on my cart.
LauraJane Says
Post authorSo sorry about that. It’s been corrected now. Thanks for letting us know.
Melissa Baker Says
Hey girl, i am so excited for your training!! I have been waiting to attend a live workshop. I clicked on the link but it didn’t let me sign up. How can i register?
LauraJane Says
Post authorSo sorry about that. It’s been corrected now. Thanks for letting us know.
Soraya Says
Very excited! But that’s exactly midnight in my country! haha. How long the workshop will last?
LauraJane Says
Post authorIt’s about an hour, and you will get lifetime access to the replay, so it’s okay if you can’t attend live.
Angie Says
Hi Laura,
I just signed up for your workshop. I have a project that has been on the back burner for way too long! My plan is to use this opportunity to finally get it done.
Looking forward to creating with you.
Linsey Says
I signed up for the live workshop and never got the link for the live workshop. I got an email that said you will be receiving the live link shortly and then I never got anything.
LauraJane Says
Post authorE-mail and we can make sure you get the replay link if you haven’t already.
Melissa Mensing Says
I would love to learn how to do hese printables. But, I didn’t see this until later in the day on 4/20. Will you be repeating this soon?
LauraJane Says
Post authorI do have plans to offer it again in the future. If you sign up for the waiting list, you’ll be e-mailed when I do offer it again.
Laura Says
Hi Laura,
I took your workshop and I have been a busy bee making my own printables, I just have a quick question. I am creating a freebie and I wanted to know if you create just one size and if not how many sizes to you create?
LauraJane Says
Post authorI usually create one size (standard letter) for my freebies.