How to Make Money from Your Blog Right Now
Entrepreneurs often ask how long it will take before they start making money from their blog or online business. Bloggers often wonder how long they need to wait until they start monetizing. Well, I have good news and bad news to answer that question.
The “bad news” is that I can’t give you a solid timeframe for how long it takes to start making money or to start making X amount of money. However, I can say that 100% percent of the people who are now making money online by working for themselves did not give up! Almost everyone has to ride out some rough patches when it feels like they’re not seeing results fast enough. You’re not alone!
I will say that most of us (myself definitely included) have to put in some time up front before we start to see the financial return. If you need money to pay your rent next month, I wouldn’t suggest relying on the blog you just started yesterday. If being an entrepreneur is your dream, I would instead work on my blog a few hours a week on the side to build it up.
Okay, so now for the good news! How long do you need to wait before you start to monetize your blog? Not long at all. I recommend starting right away. Even though you won’t make much in the beginning, every little bit will help you build confidence (and build your business faster if you reinvest it), and you’ll be better at it by the time your audience is a lot bigger and you’re able to make significant money.
This leads us to the next obvious question. Practically, how should you make money from your blog? For that answer I’ll lead you to the expert (who knows her stuff when it comes to monetizing a blog way better than I do).
My friend Ruth Soukup from Living Well Spending Less is giving away a free guide about how to boost your blog income overnight! I also love that the ways she suggests don’t require a lot of extra time, but focus more on how to maximize the work you’ve already done. I definitely plan to implement #3 soon.
Sign up for your guide on How to Boost Blog Income Overnight right here.
Send me an email and let me know as soon as you implement one of the 7 ideas. I’d love to hear how it works for you.
Disclosure: Affiliate or referral links are used in this post. Thanks so much for supporting I Heart Planners – I really appreciate it! I only recommend things that I know, love, and would recommend to my best friend.
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