Here’s your free pass to hang onto clutter
It’s no secret that I hate clutter, and I’m definitely not a fan of having more stuff than necessary in our homes. Having too much “stuff” can really bog us down. It makes it hard to even enjoy the things we do have.
While I can definitely jump on the decluttering bandwagon with the best of them, I also don’t think the goal should be simply to survive on as little stuff as possible. We can hang onto the things that we truly enjoy and that help our lives run more smoothly.
Organizational experts often caution against keeping items that you won’t use for very long. While I generally agree, I do think there are some exceptions. If there’s something that you won’t use for long, but you will use it often and get immense value from it, then I say go for it!
For example, you might be surprised that I’m not too much of a minimalist when it comes to baby gear. I love time-saving devices and gadgets for babies. Our bouncy seat is big and bulky, and it was completely useless by the time my babies were 6 months old. However, it made a HUGE difference in my quality of life for those few months. It gave me the luxury of taking a shower while my baby happily and safely sat in the bouncy seat.
In general, it’s good to have multi-purpose items. If one tool can do multiple tasks, it’s better than having three separate tools that can only do one task. When you apply this principle all over your home, it greatly reduces clutter. However, you guessed it – there is an exception to this rule. For example, you may only use your pressure canner for canning applesauce for a couple weeks in the fall when apples are in season. However, if you can 60 pints of applesauce, you are still getting a lot of value from the canner. Plus, you would probably enjoy the applesauce all year!
In short, don’t feel guilty about the “clutter” if it’s truly enriching your life, and only you can determine if something is “clutter” for you or if it’s a valuable item.
So, what about you? What do you think? What types of things aren’t really clutter for you?
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Tanji Says
I want and need to get rid of stuff. I am a neat freak but I have been in a roller coaster since November. My mom passed away and I know I should have gotten rid of more then I did. And when my friends and family came to help me, I did good. I got rid of a lot But when I was alone, I had a hard time doing what I needed to do. So now I have moved from the three bedroom 1400 square foot house to a 1000 square foot apartment with just about everything I had in the house. I feel very overwhelmed. I feel like I’m in a episode of hoarders buried alive. I need motivation because the overwhelming feeling is making me not do anything. Any words of encouragement will help. Thank you.
Melody A. Says
I want to thank you for just saying something different about our belongings. It gets really tiresome when it appears that everyone should either live in a tiny house with hardly anything or a house should look like a magazine spread. I like going into someone’s home and can see who they are by what they surround themselves with.
Fuzzy Says
THANK YOU finally someone is talking sense I do have a lot of ‘stuff’ I thought i would love the minimalist lifestyle until I met and visited a lady who house is like some museum its got no soul its the perfect minimalist house and I thought this is not for me I need some stuff around yet sometimes i have a huge purge and get rid of stuff but then look around….. I use to get so down as there was still stuff around like my juicer I have a small home orchard it only gets use a couple of months [unless a glut then more] times a year but home made juice is just wonderful especially if you have grown the fruit yourself. I make jams and preserves and have the equipment in one box I use it maybe 3 times a year but enjoy homemade jam and preserves all year so yep while some can live with X amount of items and X amount of clothing I say good on you, enjoy what you have, whether its a tiny amount of stuff or a big amount as long as you enjoy your stuff that is the main thing
Diane Says
I love your comments Laura! Thank You! Getting rid of stuff just to be getting rid of stuff is just as ridiculous as keeping everything you have ever owned. If you love it, them just maybe, it is OK to keep it.