Half Letter Size Daily Printable (Day 4)
Welcome to Day 4 of the 31 days of free printables!
Today’s printable was a request from Keyla. She wanted a daily schedule that was a half letter (8.5” by 5.5”) size. I am personally transitioning from a full size discbound planner to the junior size that uses the half letter pages, so I this is a printable that I’ll probably start using right away. I really love the smaller size planner!
Keyla wanted a section on the left for appointments with times and then a to do list, a spot to write down meals, and maybe a place for notes. She also wanted a colorful style but noted that she doesn’t see a lot of colorful styles using the color purple. Purple is my favorite color, so I was excited to use that color in the design!
The pdf that you can download is set up so that there are two to a regular size sheet of paper. You can simply print in on regular paper and cut it in half right down the middle.
The index of each day can be found here as well as a link to a form where you can request to have a printable custom designed just for you!
Enter your e-mail below to receive this printable for free. You'll get the all the printables in this 31 day series, and you'll be signed up to receive the weekly I Heart Planners newsletter full of organizing and planning inspiration.
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Trina Says
Thank you for the great daily printable. Love the colors and functionality 🙂
LuAnn Braley Says
I think there needs to be a new social rule, like “You can never have too many printables”. You have another winner here, LJ!
LauraJane Says
Post authorSo true! You can never have too many. I’ve created literally hundreds over the past few months and I still can’t stop downloading new ones whenever I see them floating around the web.
Cindy J. Says
when I printed a copy it printed in portrait instead of landscape so was all scrunched up across the 8-1/2″ way. What did I do wrong?
LauraJane Says
Post authorIn the print dialog box you should be able to select landscape or auto orientation.
Katie Says
Is there a way to print double sided? Maybe I’m just not as techy savvy as I thought…
LauraJane Says
Post authorYes, you should be able to print double sided the same way you would other things. Exactly how really depends on your printer. Mine has a double sided printing option that I can check.
Beth Says
I can’t seem to download this printable? I don’t see the link to download.
LauraJane Says
Post authorThe update paragraph at the bottom of the post will explain.
Wendy Says
I’m a huge fan of printables, and yours are sooooo cute, but I’m having trouble. I see an endless array of links that circle back to the same place, but no update, and no way to print them. Please help. Thank you.
LauraJane Says
Post authorYou enter your e-mail address at the bottom of the post and the printables will be e-mailed to you.
BEI Says
Same thing happens, i already subscribe but i cant find where’s my free printables 🙁
LauraJane Says
Post authorIt sometimes takes a few minutes. If you still don’t have them, e-mail iheartplanners@gmail.com
Brandy Says
So now that the 2015 calendar is out, there is no way to get this printable for free anymore other than buying the set for 35? Is that right?
Pingback: Free Printable Daily Planning Page - I Heart Planners
Krystal Says
I am interested in the download
amanda Says
Day 4 daily schedule please 🙂
Gina Says
Your printable look nice.
Gina Says
I like pintable’s.
Maya Says
I am interested in the download
LauraJane Says
Post authorGreat, go ahead and put in your email in the box at the bottom of the post and it will be sent to you.
Karen Nehren Says
I tried to download the printable planner I paid for and it was a broken link.
LauraJane Says
Post authorSorry this comment somehow got buried. But if you haven’t done so already, definitely contact support@getorganizedhq.com
Nicole Says
Hi Laura!
I was really hoping for this exact daily page, but I don’t see it in my download! Can you help? 🙂 Thanks so much, and thank you for all of your hard work!
LauraJane Says
Post authorYes, just put your name and email in the form at the bottom of the post and it will show up in your inbox shortly.