Using a Grocery List Template
Welcome to part 8 of my year-long series where through the year I will share with you each element of the monthly packs available to our Sweet Life Society members!
Admittedly “monthly pack” is a rather vague description of what you’re getting. So I hope this series provides clarification and gives you some ideas on how to use each piece of the pack. This way you can see what you’ll be getting as soon as you decide to make the leap and join us in the Sweet Life Society!
Winding back and forth through the aisles at the supermarket, tossing items willy-nilly in the cart and then hurrying back to the dairy case to put back the yogurt because you decided on applesauce instead but getting sidetracked halfway when you suddenly remember you’re out of pasta sauce and should probably get some of that too. Does this scene sound a little too familiar?
Going to the grocery store can be a hassle. Bundling up kids in the winter and piling them into a shopping cart, trying to keep them all happy long enough to grab the essentials is enough to give anyone a headache. You definitely don’t need the extra stress of walking laps through the aisles trying to remember everything you need in each aisle.
Enter: the grocery list template.
Typically when you write a grocery list you are quickly jotting down whatever comes to mind that you need – sometimes in the same order that it comes in a recipe. The major flaw with this is that when you get to the store, your list is completely disorganized. You have to scan the list multiple times to see if you actually got all the produce you wrote down, and you might not catch until you get almost everything marked off that you did actually need another box of crackers.
This grocery list template (which I’m giving to you completely free today, by the way!) is the perfect solution to that.
In this grocery list template you will divide up your shopping list into zones: produce, dairy, frozen foods, cleaning supplies, etc. This will allow you to quickly grab the things that are close together at the store – no more of that walking back and forth to get what you’ve forgotten!
You can make your shopping list like normal – skim down a new recipe and see what ingredients you need, just fill them into the proper category on your grocery list template as you go and it’ll make your shopping trip a breeze!
If you’d like to give it a try, you can click below to download!

Cheryl Sayles Says
Before I wrote out my grocery list I do a inventory of what I’m out of and transfer those item to my grocery list.. Special recipes I want make are added next that way I’m not trying to keep everything in my head
andrea Says
I am going to try and use this. I have just gotten diagnosed with gallbladder issues so I am needing to change my diet. I think a grocery list like this will help me be more organized and help me better plan my meals.
On a side note, I just love reading this blog. You are very inspiring.
Tasha Whitsitt Says
Hope you feel better soon – and so glad the grocery list template will help you!
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