Free Summer Bucket List Printable
Who's ready for summer!? Let's celebrate with a free summer bucket list printable plus a free summer reading list printable.
I was definitely in the mood for something really bright and cheerful. Some of the things on my list are:
- a trip to the zoo
- my daughter's first birthday party – Where has the time gone? Will she really be one in just 3 months?
- lots of long walks
- picnics in the park
- trips to the library
- getting
caught upstarted on my daughter's baby book - moving my office to the basement
- continue working hard on a secret project for I Heart Planners that's coming this fall (to be revealed soon, and you're going to LOVE it)
What's on your summer bucket list?
Click here to download the printables, and then pin the image below to spread the summer cheer!
Liz Says
Muchas gracias por compartir las listas! Están muy lindas 😀