Editable Headings on the Student Planner – Sweet Life Society
One of the most requested printables in the Sweet Life Society has been the Student Planner and the Homeschool Planner, and the best part about these printable downloads is the editable headings feature. It is easy to use and makes these planners super customizable for you and the students in your life. Now is the perfect time to prepare for the next school year with these planners! 2017-2018 academic year versions are available NOW in the Club.
Here is a quick video tutorial my assistant put together that includes a peek inside the Club and a step-by-step walk-through of editing the headings. Your mind is going to be filling with ideas for how to use this exciting feature!
Does this make you want to join the Club to see what other printables are available for you to download and use right away? Click HERE to see all the details and join today.
After years of trying out lots of different planning systems, developing my own planners, and helping thousands of women get organized, I've realized that we need a lot more than just a planner to help us stay organized. That's why I created the Sweet Life Society. I understand that you, your style, and your life are unique. You don't want to go and buy a planner off the shelf and try to make it work for you. Instead, you need a huge library of organizing pages that you can print and put together yourself in a way that works for you. Inside the Sweet Life Society, you'll find just that.
We'd love to welcome you into the Club!
Let me know if you have any questions at all in the comments below. Be sure to visit the Club page for all the details.
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Kim Trautman Says
I am looking for a planner for a homeschool planner for my students for just the last 15 weeks of the year. Is there a way to do that?
LauraJane Says
Post authorI would just print starting with those weeks (so select certain pages after you click print).
Jill Says
Is the club now defunct? I click but it says not found.
Tasha Whitsitt Says
Not at all – in fact, we have been working on it a lot this summer and have even added the Sweet Life Jumpstart for our members. Here’s the link for all the info on the Club: https://sweetlifeplannerclub.com/ If you have any troubles, just email us at iheartplanners@gmail.com and we’ll help you out!