Your Low Stress Guide to the Holiday Season
It’s hard to believe, but the holidays are just around the corner.
The stores are already putting out the Christmas trees and candy canes, I’ve seen advertisements for discounted whole turkeys, and it’s already snowed on us here in Indiana! If the thought of gift shopping and yards of tape and wrapping paper makes your heart do a little flip flop, and if you’re ready to burrow back under your blankets at the prospect of Christmas cards and Thanksgiving pies, then you’ve come to the right place.
We are four and seven weeks away from Thanksgiving and Christmas respectively, and I’ve put together a step by step guide to get you through the holiday season without stress.
Week 1
This week is for cleaning. I know it’s not the most fun task, and there will certainly need to be a bit of tidying up again before the guests arrive, but making an action plan and knowing which spaces you will have guests in will help you keep your focus on those rooms. If nobody will be going into your master suite closet, then now may not be the time to clean it out. Focus on the areas that will be used most heavily – and go ahead and wash the linens in the guest room, wipe down the baseboards, and knock out any deep cleaning you want to get done early.
Week 2
This week is a bit of a calm before the storm. You’ll want to prioritize getting your meal plan and shopping list created for Thanksgiving dinner. Pro tip: divide up your shopping list into categories such as produce, meat, and frozen foods so you can check things off more easily as you shop.
Week 3
If you haven’t already, it’s time to get to the store for Thanksgiving dinner. I also suggest setting aside this week to make a rough list for your holiday shopping – then use that to make a game plan for Black Friday. You can score some great deals, and make some gift recipients very happy, by thinking about presents that you’d like to give before Black Friday Ever Rolls around.
Week 4
This is it! You’ve made it to the first holiday. Enjoy the time with family. When you’re out doing your Black Friday shopping, don’t forget to stock up on gift wrap! As things from the holiday weekend die down, be sure to get your Christmas cards ordered so you can have them ready to send out next week.
Week 5
As everyone is gearing up to full speed heading into the Christmas season, you can enjoy a bit of a breather this week. Use the downtime to do a bit of holiday shopping or to set up decorations that are still tucked away in the closet. And don’t forget to send out the Christmas cards!
Week 6
It’s time to revisit those guest spaces this week. Wash any linens that haven’t been changed and make sure to dust and vacuum the floors. Now is also the time to begin working on your Christmas meal planning and shopping list, and keep an eye out for those last minute gifts while you’re out and about.
Week 7
Christmas is now only a week away! But don’t fret, you have a great game plan in action. You’ve already made your meal plan and shopping list, so get to the store early to avoid the worst of the hustle and bustle. Also, find some time this week to wrap those Christmas gifts in the paper you stocked up on after Thanksgiving.
Week 8
You’ve made it! The holiday season is coming to a close. Just like for Thanksgiving and Christmas, make your meal plan for New Year’s dinner and treats early and get to the store early. Enjoy a break from work and some time with family, whenever and wherever that comes.
By doing just a little at a time, you’ll get everything checked off the list in manageable chunks instead of having a mad rush on Christmas Eve.