Why Your Organizing Type Matters
There are two very different styles of organization and figuring out which one speaks to you can help you stay organized for the long haul!
Click the video below to learn about the two styles and determine which one you are.
The two main styles that exist when it comes to organizing literally anything are macro organizers and micro organizers.
Macro organizers like large containers with everything tossed inside. Think of a toy box where all the toy simply get shut up in the toy box and it’s done and organized.
Micro organizers like everything to be organized in much smaller categories. Their toy box may have bins inside it so that the cars go with the cars and the puzzles go with the puzzles.
It’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to organize – both of these are excellent ways to organize! Also realize that nobody is completely one or the other. You may prefer to keep your craft room micro organized but your pantry macro organized.
But I want to encourage you to take some time to think about which style you are more drawn to. Not sure off the top of your head? Here are some things that may help:
Which spaces have stayed organized and functioned well for you in the past?
If you’ve always had a super organized kitchen drawer with tape, scissors, batteries, chip clips, and hair ties each in their own container, then you might be a micro organizer! On the flip side, if you’ve always been able to find what you’re looking for in your sock drawer where everything is just tossed inside, you might be a macro organizer!
What pictures of organized spaces are you most drawn to?
Another thing you can do to figure out which style you are is to go online (hello Pinterest!) and look at photos of organized spaces. Which ones speak to you? Do lots and lots of small containers stress you out and look like way too much work? Maybe you enjoy the vibe of several large baskets tucked away? The photos that you are most attracted to will give you some clues about your organizing style.
Just try it!
And last but not least, just give it a go and see what sticks! If you think that macro organizing is your vibe, tuck everything into your pantry and see how you feel. You’ll love it or you’ll hate it and that way you’ll have a much better idea of your own personal style.
While it’s fun to figure out which organizing style you are, it’s also incredibly practical. Once you know your style you’ll be equipped to organize your spaces in a way that lasts!
So tell me in the comments, which style are you?
Vicki Bucy Says
I’m a Macro organizer, trying to become a Micro organizer. I do love little boxes, etc, but I don’t mind having like random items in those boxes, ie. in the pantry it might be a box with “fruit” , sauces, etc. I’m not sure what that means, but it’s working for me.
Harriette Says
I am a cluttered crafting micro organizer So I am a mess in process hahahaha
C-Si Says
I’m definitely a micro organizer
Debbie Reed Says
I’m a little of both. I like somethings broken down into small categories. In my pantry I more about Macro organizing.
Valerie Says
Besides macro and micro organization, visual and non-visual organization is another factor to consider. Cas from Clutterbug has a lot of input on this.
My brother is a macro/non-visual and his wife a micro/visual organizer. They often complain about the other not being tidy. They are both tidy in their way, they just don’t seem to grasp the difference in their organizing-styles and cannot handle the organization systems of the other person.
I recommend to everyone who shares a household with family or friends to look closely and try to implement organizing-systems that everyone can use. Otherwise you will always be frustrated and feeling like you are the only one who cleans up after the others. But take a step back and try to take a non-judgemental look at the way another person leaves the space. Perhaps in the eyes of your spouse the dresser in the entryway is not “cluttered” with his wallet and keys. Perhaps it’s just the way he organizes because he needs a visual reminder and it never occurs to him that you created a spot inside the dresser, because he would never hide away his everyday things. Or perhaps your basement is not “messy” but macro-organized.
Kids for example are often visual organizers – if it’s in a not-see-throuh container, it’s gone for them.
Though I have to say not everyone has a clear tendency.
I am a micro/non-visual organizer and on the very edge of the spectrum. I would put my houseplants behind closed doors in a wardrobe if I could. My fiance is someone who can operate a lot of systems. I think he has a tendency for visual and micro, as he has no problems to handle my detailed systems and tends to leave his everyday stuff out (like his favourite cutting knife and cutting board that live on the counter). But then again, most of his stuff is macro-organized and he get’s stressed out when a lot of stuff is out in the open.
Michelle Baggett Says
My crafts are the worst. I pile everything that is alike in big paper boxes and then put them aside for a rainy day but it’s just not working for me overall. The stuff stays in boxes and my area is not fun at all to be in.
Shauna Gerke Says
I’m a macro organizer, until it comes to a drawer in my kitchen, then it’s micro all the way! Both serve their purpose.
Tonja Says
I am definitely drawn more to the micro organizing, but have never really gotten there. I have a lot of macro organization in the house and it drives me crazy because I know which bin something is in but hate digging through it. LOL
Louise Says
A little of both, but mostly macro and it’s starting to annoy me because I’m also a crafter.
Ann C. Says
I am definitely a hybrid, leaning toward micro. However, I am married to a macro. He gets frustrated that I can’t just go with the macro-organizing flow & be done with it.
Brittany Barney Says
I am all over the place….. I’m not sure there is a category for me. I love simple and clean. but I also love a little color and spice… I do love for everything to have home.
lhbari Says
More related to Valerie’s visual/non-visual organizing. I’ve read that people with ADD (including adults) are often OOS-OOM, which means Out Of Sight-Out Of Mind. That is, if they organize things in a way that is not obviously visual, they forget about them. While one person may organize jewelry sets in boxes in drawers, that is OOS-OOM and those folks will forget what jewelry sets they have.
Vanessa Says
I’m definitely a micro organizer!!
Ronda S Says
Definitely a micro organizer. But I do use macro at times.
Kristine Says
I think in most cases I’m a macro organizer. But occasionally I go micro – for a short while anyway.
Trudy Says
If I have actually organized an area, it is the micro type. The areas in our house that are macro are that way because they have not been organized, and so ,they are more of a mess.
Cassy Hedges Says
My main clutter/un-organized space is my craft room. I LIKE micro-organization. My problem is.. when I just have one or two things. Where do I put them? I dont have a space for them–and so they are left out. and , evidently, I have LOTS of those !! Also, current projects Im working on tend to stay out– and I have LOTS of those too. Love your tips and info !!
Diane Says
My oldest married daughter would say we are a hot mess! Our home consists of me, my husband and our youngest daughter. We live with ADHD. The only things that stay organized around here are my stuff and what doesn’t get used! But my ADHDers claim their messes are organized. I try not to micro manage them.