When you feel like a total mom failure!
I wanted to share an amazing free resource with you. Have you ever had a #momfail moment? One of those times where you haven't showered in 3 days, you end up serving scrambled eggs and cereal for dinner yet again (despite your best meal planning efforts), and you're pretty sure you haven't won any awards for the most calm and put together mommy? Oh, and you really hope no one decides to drop by unexpectedly because you'd be totally mortified if anyone saw the current state of your house!
If you could see me through your computer screen, you would see me raising my hand high and nodding in agreement. I've only been a mother for 20 months, but I've definitely had my fair share of moments where I pretty much just felt like a total failure!
If you've ever felt anywhere close to the same way as I have, then I’m so excited to point you in the direction of this brand new (and free!) video series created by two moms who have lived their fair share of #momfail days.
Stephanie and Beth are real moms in the trenches. They’ve got 8 kids and almost 20 years of mothering experience between them.
They also understand and have the deepest compassion for moms who are working their tails off, but still hitting the pillow at night with a heavy heart and tear-stained face, because they feel like they’re failing at one of the most important things they’ll ever do in their lives.
They’ve put together an honest, candid and incredibly encouraging series of three videos just for moms. It’s called “The Truth About #MomFail Culture: 10 Things You Need to Hear on the Hard Days”.
It won’t solve all your problems, and much as they wish they could, they can’t reach through the computer and fold that pile’o’laundry for you. But we can all benefit from a fresh perspective and encouragement from someone who really gets it. As I watched it I realized that I'm not alone!
Each video is short – around 10 minutes, and you can watch it on any sort of device whenever you’ve got a few spare minutes. I like listening while I'm folding laundry or while I'm on the treadmill.
To watch the video series, just click right here and enter your name and email to sign up. You’ll get access to the first video today, and then one per day after that.