Three time saving tricks to help you blog better
I want to share three practical strategies (think time-saving tricks!) that will both save you time and will be a huge benefit for your readers. It’s a total win-win! I actually resisted these ideas for a long time, thinking it was the lazy route. In this case, though, the “lazy route” is actually the better route!
These are things that will help you speed up your blog posts and weekly newsletters. Here they are:
Number one: Republish older posts that were popular.
If you’ve been blogging a while, you likely have a lot of great posts that most of your readers haven’t seen. What I like to do is just refresh the graphics a little and republish the same post with the current date to move it to the top of my blog .
Some of these republished posts are my most popular. If it’s been more than a year since I published something, most readers haven’t seen it, or, if they have, they don’t really remember it. Also, some of these posts are questions I get asked all the time (like how to resize printables), so I know it’s really helpful for my readers when I share the post again.
What I mean by that is that instead of having two posts that are the same on my blog (which is harmful for SEO) I just move the old post to the top. If you don’t have the date in your actual URL, you can simply go to the old post, change whatever you would like, change the publish date to the current date, and hit update. That will simply move the post to the top of your blog. If you have the date in your URL like I do (and I would not recommend that, by the way if you are setting up a new blog), you’ll need to do a permanent redirect of the old post to the new. I know that sounds a little scary, but it’s not hard. I just submit a ticket for my host to do it, and there are also easy to use plug ins that will do it for you.
Number two: Write a post and newsletter highlighting your archives, so readers know where to find your best content.
I’m planning to do that soon to highlight my organizing archives. Here’s an example of a post where I highlighted past blogging content. This is quick and easy to do, but it really helps your readers find what they are looking for.
Number three: Publish guest posts on your blog.
I hesitated to to do this on my blog for a long time, because I was afraid the posts wouldn’t be what my readers are used to. However, I published several guest posts on my blog this past summer while I was on maternity leave, and it was great. My readers loved them and I didn’t even get a single negative comment! What I did to ensure that they were quality posts was to specifically invite other bloggers to post rather than just asking for anyone to submit a post. This way I was already familiar with the other bloggers and knew they would be a good fit for my readers.
What about you? Have you discovered areas where the “quicker and easier” route is actually better for your readers?
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Kristen Says
I like the idea of republishing old blog posts! Sometimes I’ll re-share an older popular post on my social media accounts, but never thought about actually reposting it, thank you!
Catherine Says
Time saving tips. Do typically have to chang e anything on your website when you recycle a post? How. does it affect your rating on Google? Just wondering.
Kristie Says
Thank you for this-it was very helpful! My posts are usually written after much research or life experience which means it is hard for me to post a lot. I have recently taken a long break from blogging. I will soon be posting again I need tips on how to make sure I am consistent. Thank you so much for this post!
Selena Barton Says
I hate when blogs repost. I start to read a post only to realize I’ve read it before and then just close out to go somewhere else. If I notice it too frequently, I stop opening the email notices for the most part. None of that is good for the blogger in regards for what it is meant to do which is get attention without effort.
J.R. Caparas | Says
I agree it’s only a great idea if there is a new additional content.
Angie Says
These are some great ideas! I’m still building content, but I love the idea of republishing content and creating round-ups once I have more posts available. Thanks!