Simple Meal Planning
Welcome to Part 4 of my year-long series where through the year I will share with you each element of the monthly packs available to our Sweet Life Society members!
Admittedly “monthly pack” is a rather vague description of what you’re getting. So I hope this series provides clarification and gives you some ideas on how to use each piece of the pack. This way you can see what you’ll be getting as soon as you decide to make the leap and join us in the Sweet Life Society!
Simplify your Meal Planning Process with this Printable
In conjunction with March Meal Planning Madness that we have going on now, I figured it was a good time to share all the juicy details about the meal planning page that comes in each monthly pack!
If you’ve read any of our previous posts in this series, you know that the monthly pack comes in a different theme each month. The great thing about the meal planning sheet is how versatile it is! If you find one design you LOVE, you can keep using it week after week because it has absolutely no dates on it.
We kept the layout here simple. There sure is a time and place for the meal plans that have room to plan out 2 snacks a day, count the calories in each meal, and make sure that 5 out of 7 dinners are paleo while also kid friendly! Whew! Those pages are great but sometimes overwhelming. We went back to the basics with this sheet that gives you a pretty place to jot down what you’re having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I like to use my meal planning sheet when preparing to grocery shop. I tend to scroll through Pinterest till I find some meals that catch my eye. Then I can plan out when I’m having which meal (and the leftovers!). This helps me buy the right amount of food. I find myself not buying enough food for meals while also getting too many extras that end up going to waste if I don’t have a game plan for what I’m going to eat each day.
If you have never given writing out your meal plan for the week a try, you’re in luck! You can grab just the meal planning page of the March Monthly Pack for yourself! And you want to know an added bonus? If you print out this sheet and post it on the refrigerator, it can cut down on kids and husbands asking what’s for dinner 😉

Enjoy cooking up some deliciousness!
Chyntia Says