The Most Personal Thing I’ve Shared on the Blog
I originally wrote this as an email this past Monday for the entrepreneurs on my email list, but I think you might find in inspiring even if you're not interested in blogging or becoming on online entrepreneur. The same principle can apply to many things.
As the title suggests, it is a personal story that I haven't shared publicly before, but I know it could be helpful to some of you who have similar struggles.
First, I just wanted to let you know that the doors for Elite Blog Academy 3.0 are now open for registration.
Since it only happens once a year and it's only open through Friday (March 3) at midnight, you'll need to make a decision very quickly.
And if you're not sure what to do, I totally get it.
It's a big commitment.
That's why I'm opening up and sharing a personal part of my story that I've never shared on the blog or in an email before.
Like I've told you before, I was stuck in bloggy dreamland for FAR TOO LONG before I finally decided to take it seriously.
I watched other bloggers succeed and talk about making an income doing what they love from home. I secretly longed to do the same thing.
I thought I could probably do it.
I knew I had a lot of the skills it would take. I loved computers and technology. Code (CSS and even PHP) didn't scare me at all. In fact – I actually enjoyed the challenge.
I loved to write. I loved to take pictures and share them. I had some experience with graphic design. The thought of making money from home (and not having to leave my kids every day) sounded amazing.
But there is one thing that kept me stuck for years! The one thing I lacked was: confidence.
I'm not sure what terrified me more – putting my content out there on the world wide web for all to see or the thought of possibly failing. I wanted so badly to be a profitable blogger but I was just too scared to commit.
You know those cheesy high school year book awards where the class votes on all the “most likely” or “prettiest” or “class clown”, etc? Guess what two awards I got?
Most likely to succeed (because I was a total bookworm, loved to study, and was the one people always came to with their calculus questions).
Most shy! It could not have been more true. There was no contest – I'm pretty sure I won that award unanimously. I was painfully shy. I lacked confidence in pretty much every area.
Had anyone told me that one day I would be comfortably doing live video in front of hundreds of people or emailing 80,000 people every single week or going to conferences where I had never met a soul, I would have laughed in their face. There was no way that the most shy girl in her high school could do that.
But, you know what? I did it anyway! And I LOVE it! I feel like I've finally found the thing that I was meant to do – that I wake up excited for every single day.
The thing that changed is that I finally COMMITTED. I decided to take it seriously, even though I was scared.
I remember telling my husband one night as we ate dinner at a local pizza place (Fox's Pizza for anyone from Pittsburgh) that by the end of 2013 I was going to be making at least $1,000 a month from my blog. I asked him if we could set aside $1,000 for me to wisely invest in my blog to help me reach that goal.
He was supportive, but I could tell he was afraid I might not reach the goal and I'd be disappointed. He was already trying to help soften the blow that I might feel if I wasn't quite there. (Spoiler alert: I made $3,000 in November of 2013.)
However, being the amazing husband that he is, he agreed that we should invest $1,000 in my blog.
That changed everything!
It wasn't as much the specific things that I invested the money in as it was the fact that I was finally taking it seriously.
I really wish something like Elite Blog Academy had been around back then when I was starting my blog, because I know it would have helped me reach my goals much more quickly.
I wish it had existed during those years that I was stuck simply dreaming, because a step by step plan laid out by a successful blogger would have given me so much confidence!
That’s also why I’m so glad that I get to share this opportunity with you.
I know that Elite Blog Academy isn’t a small investment.
But it’s an investment that will pay off both financially (you can make that investment back so quickly by applying what you learn) and in your confidence.
Once you join something like EBA, you are all in! There’s no going back.
I cannot wait to see where you take your blog and all the things you do when you apply the EBA system.
Click here to see success stories from EBA alumni – these are super inspiring!