My Secret Weapon for Getting Things Done
When I'm really on a time crunch or have a ton of stuff to do in a short amount of time, I often use the Sticky Note To-Do List Method! I wrote an entire guide on this topic because it's so effective! It's also fun, LOL! Sticky notes are colorful, and the notes come in all shapes and sizes. If you're a visual person, this is fantastic. It's also SUPER satisfying because it gives a great visual picture of how much you're really accomplishing! If you want the details on how I use this method myself, keep reading, or check out the video here!
This week I'm just super overwhelmed. I've been recovering from an unplanned surgery, and I have a ton of stuff to do to catch back up. When I'm flustered, sometimes I just need a way to reset myself. I find the best way to do this is to just get everything out on paper so I'm not constantly trying to remember everything I need to do!
1. Write down a brain dump of tasks in a notebook.
You could start with this straight onto the sticky notes, but I find it's easier to write it all down first on paper. The goal is to do this super quickly and just write down everything that comes to mind. This isn't the time to be realistic or think about how you want to do something. You just want to get it all down on paper. Think of literally EVERYTHING you need to do in a set time frame. I usually do this one week at a time.
2. Prioritize your tasks on the sticky notes.
I like to assign a different color sticky note to each priority level. Then I make myself a key so I know which color is which category so I don't even have to think as I start to prioritize. I create several categories for my levels of priority:
- P1– Top priority! These are things that absolutely must get done or there will be real negative consequences. This might be paying a bill to avoid a late charge. Or maybe it's getting your taxes done before the deadline. I might need to film a video to release for work. But if I'm just working ahead a bit, that's more like a P1.5. Which brings me to the next level!
- P1.5– Most people might just need a P1, P2, and P3, but my brain just likes this category, LOL! For me P1.5 are things that are almost top priority but just not quite there.
- P2– Might be things that are really helpful like getting laundry done before a trip. But if it doesn't get done, I'm sure I will still find enough underwear to pack, LOL!
- P3– These are things that I may not get done or that will “go away” if I don't do them. It might be making homemade Valentines for my kids to take to school. If I don't have time, we'll just go buy some. Or this spring I have an adorable bunny design with my Chalk Couture supplies that I've been dying to do. If I don't do it, literally no one will know or care, and then I just won't do it until next year because it won't be Easter anymore. This task will just disappear if I don't get around to it.
3. Write each task on its own sticky note.
Be sure you aren't making everything a P1, LOL! If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority! You can't do everything, so this is where you need to choose what you might have to let go.
Each note gets one item. This week I need to record three podcasts. This gets split up into three sticky notes, one note for each podcast. This is so I can keep track more easily. I also do this because I like seeing all the progress as I do each task!
4. Put them up on the wall.
This is the fun part! Once you have everything written on its own sticky note, you can organize them on the wall. Do this in whatever order you'd like! Sometimes I organize them by color. Other times I'll organize them by what I plan to do that day. Either way it's a great visual reminder of things you need to do.
The REALLY fun part comes as you accomplish a task. Once something is finished, you get to move the sticky note over to the “done” side of the wall! As the notes add up on the side that's done, the to-do side keeps shrinking. It's a beautiful thing, LOL!
Tips and Tricks
This is a great method to try with kids because it's so visual. I plan to try this with my kids chores this summer.
One thing I try really hard to do is to NOT add to it. If you keep adding things to it, it's much harder to see the progress, which is what makes this method so effective. If I remember something that's absolutely vital to do, I'll add a note, but I do that as little as possible.
It helps to set a small time frame like a week and then clear the slate and start over if you want to keep going. From week to week my priorities might change categories. Sometimes I can reuse the notes in the same color/category, but often it doesn't quite work out. For example, the bill that wasn't going to be late last week will now be late this week if I don't set it as a P1.
At the end of the week, I evaluate what I didn't get done, what's still a priority, and then I make a new list and start the whole process again if I need to! Also, remember that the goal isn't to get everything done! I literally never get everything done. But the key to winning with this strategy is to get your P1s and P1.5s all done. Then if you're lucky, a few P2s or P3s also get done along the way, too!
Let me know if you think this method could help you. If you're really excited about it and want to know more, then check out my Ultimate Guide to Sticky Note Productivity. It's a deep dive into all things sticky notes, and I talk about SIX different methods for using sticky notes to hack your productivity!

Organization that actually sticks for busy, happy lives