Motivation Hacks for When You Don’t Feel Like Cleaning or Organizing
Do you ever have those moments where you are just DONE and you totally do not feel like cleaning or organizing? Yeah, me too! Sometimes cleaning and organizing or even just the daily home maintenance that we all need to do just isn't fun. I have trouble summoning the energy to even get started. However, there are a few things I do to help myself get started (which is the hardest part!). Watch the video here, or keep reading for my top nine motivation hacks when you are just not feeling it!
1. Pair it with Something Fun!
Some activities will require your full focus, but most usually don't. My favorite thing to do is to listen to an audiobook or a podcast I love while I do mundane chores like folding laundry. I also do this when I exercise or just run around the house tidying up. It makes the time go so much faster! You can really hack this if you have a book you're really into and you only let yourself listen to it while you're cleaning, lol!
2. Use the 2 Minute Rule.
Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. To make it easier to just start, I tell myself that I only have to do the task or activity for two minutes. I can do anything for two minutes, right?!? 90% of the time, once I've started, I'll keep going. If it's something like working out, it seems like such a huge task…but once I've done the spin bike for two minutes, I'm usually feeling pretty good and glad that I got up off the couch!
3. Try Some Physical Activity.
If I'm lacking energy and just feeling “blah” in general, sometimes a short walk will help motivate me. It can be just five minutes, but it can make a big difference! Bonus points if you get a little sunshine, too!
4. Build Routines and Habits
If you get used to doing something so often that it becomes second nature, you don't even need motivation to do it. If you have brushed your teeth every morning for ten years, you just do it without even thinking about it.
This totally works for household chores. If you toss a load of laundry in every morning as part of your routine on your way to make coffee, then it just happens! If you don't have any sort of laundry routine, then you have to work up the motivation each time you start a load. This probably won't happen easily, and the laundry is a lot more likely to pile up.
5. Track Your Progress
It might seem a little extra, but trackers can be so helpful if you're trying to establish a new habit or make progress on a goal. It's a visual reminder for you. And it can be so much fun to check off boxes LOL! It works for preschoolers and adults, LOL! In the GOHQ Insiders, we have tons of printable trackers for almost everything you can think of. And if you're an Insider, and we don't have what you're looking for, just ask us, and we'll make it for you super fast!
6. Reward Yourself
Set little rewards for accomplishing tasks you don't want to do. For example, “When I finish the dishes, I will watch my favorite TV show.” Or, it could be if you do something 60 days in a row, you'll buy yourself a new purse. It could also be something free like a relaxing soak in the tub. They don't have to be big rewards, but it always helps if there's something to look forward to at the end.
7. Break it into Smaller Steps
Sometimes I have a big project that is just totally overwhelming. If there are too many decisions to make, I don't even know where to start. For example, if I'm doing a yard sale, there are a ton of things that need to happen before sale day. It helps to break it into smaller steps so I can work on it as I have time and just so I have a plan for what comes next. Then I get to cross them off my list as I go, and you all know how much I love crossing things off, LOL!
Another tip along with this one is not to jump from project to project. Try to complete one big project before moving to the next. If you jump around, it's hard to stay organized and keep making progress.
8. Set up Accountability
It ALWAYS helps to have a partner! The Insiders group really helps me (and each other!) with this. There's a private community where members can cheer each other on and hold each other accountable for their goals. It really is a great community, but always try to find someone– even a friend or family member– who will help push you to reach your goals.
9. Remember the Think-Do-Feel Train
Often we wait until we feel like doing something. But this is really the last thing to come. First we think about an idea, and then the next step should be to do it. There are some things I will NEVER feel like doing. If I wait to feel like I want to do it, things will just never happen!
Often the feeling comes after you actually start doing it. Just like when I get on my spin bike. In fact most of the time I just have to start doing it, and then the feeling of happiness comes after I've already started. I remind myself of this if I'm putting a task off, and often it will give me just the push I need to get started.
Do you all have any tips for getting yourself motivated to do something you've been dreading? Let me know in the comments!

Organization that actually sticks for busy, happy lives