May Pack Preview – Free Printable Weekly Planner
Welcome to part 5 of my year long series where through the year I will share with you each element of the monthly packs available to our Sweet Life Society members!
Admittedly “monthly pack” is a rather vague description of what you’re getting. So I hope this series provides clarification and gives you some ideas on how to use each piece of the pack. This way you can see what you’ll be getting as soon as you decide to make the leap and join us in the Sweet Life Society!
The page I’ll be sharing about today is the Weekly Plan – which in all honesty is pretty self-explanatory so you may way to click here to jump straight to the free download!

To those of you who are still reading to hear my thoughts on keeping a weekly plan, thanks for hanging around!
I think that keeping a weekly plan is one of the best ways to avoid scheduling conflicts and missed appointments. Monthly calendars are perfect for jotting down quick notes and dates, but I doubt I’m the only one who would have to admit that I don’t actually look at my monthly plan every single day – there is too much irrelevant information jotted down to make it a useful reference when I’m trying to figure out my game plan for the next few days. I’m sure you’ve heard tell how much I LOVE planning my days, but I tend to do that on a day by day basis, making it not a very viable option for planning even just a couple of days ahead.
Enter: the weekly spread. If you had to choose only one layout to keep your schedule and to-dos on, I would recommend this one. (Thankfully with the Sweet Life Society, such restricted options are never the case!) There’s enough room on each day to write down more than just the one thing that tends to fit onto a monthly calendar, but you can also see how everything fits together with the days surrounding it. Super convenient and useful!
I’m sure you’ve used a weekly plan before, so you really don’t need me to tell you how to do it. Instead, I’d love for you to click below to download your freebie and then take a picture of how YOU use your weekly calendar so I can be inspired by you! You can tag me on Instagram @iheartplanners
Click here to become a member of the Sweet Life Society!
Marina Says
Great ! Awesome!