Master Task Lists Printable (Day 1)
Welcome to Day 1 of the 31 days of free printables!
Today’s printable is actually one I’ve really been needing for myself. I tried having one major brain dump list for al tasks and ideas related to my business and home, but it became a little overwhelming. Today, I’m separating those into “Tasks to Complete” (which I’ll be using for my business tasks) and “Household Tasks” for things around the house I’d like to (like revamping my home files, organizing my nightstand, etc). There is a space to the left for putting a check mark when the item is complete. To the right there is a space to right the priority of each item. I think I will keep it simple and prioritize into A, B, C. That way I can glance through and tackle all the A’s first, and so on.
The index of each day can be found here as well as a link to a form where you can request to have a printable custom designed just for you!
Enter your e-mail below to receive this printable for free. You'll get the all the printables in this 31 day series, and you'll be signed up to receive the weekly I Heart Planners newsletter full of organizing and planning inspiration.
Free Printables

Sign up to receive all 31 printables in this series for free!
LuAnn Braley Says
I’m SO HAPPY I subscribed and will be looking forward to file at the end of the month. Right now it’s all I can do to get my blog post out and go around to other #31Days participants … and homeschool 3 kids, and take care of the home, and way too many puppies!
Lisa Adams Says
I am a new planner and I have a 5.5. by 8.5 FC classic that I need to fill. I am a PhD sstudent, wife , mother of three and currently looking for work and would love any ideas that you have for planner must have pages. Really looking to keep myself organized with assignments, books and references for my dissertation phase and the COMPS that are upcoming.
Debra M Says
Love your blog and printables AND when you share others’ ideas from their planners 🙂 Did I miss a link to the Day 1 of 2014 free printables? I see Day 2 and 3, but not Day 1 with the master task lists. Thanks!
LauraJane Says
Post authorDay 1 was just the introduction.
audrey miller Says
I am a new homeschooling mom and I look forward to getting and becoming more organized. Thank you for the beautiful helpful pages.
LauraJane Says
Post authorYou’re welcome – I think you’re really going to love one of the printables that’s in store for next week!
Brenda Says
thank you for your help in getting organized with your printables. Work in progress….
Gisela Says
Hey I cant download them, i have already subscribed
LauraJane Says
Post authorIf you have trouble, e-mail for help.
Gisela Says
Thanks, but I got them I used a different email 🙂
Nancy Says
I am already a subscriber, is there anyway to get these great forms? I would love to have them!
Do I need to re-subscribe to get the links?
LauraJane Says
Post authorAbsolutely – just put your e-mail in the box below and you’ll get them via e-mail. (Don’t worry – you won’t get duplicate e-mails because you already a subscriber.)
Heather Says
subscribed for it, but still waiting for the email….??? how long do i need to wait for the printables to start showing up in my inbox
LauraJane Says
Post authorIt should be within a few minutes. If you still don’t have it, e-mail
LauraJane Says
Post authorThe printables in this old free printable series won’t be updated each year. Most of them are not date specific.
kasha Says
Subscribed through 4 different email, no way to download. THIS IS POINTLESS IT KEEPS MAKING ME SUBSCRIBE.
LauraJane Says
Post authorIt should appear in your e-mail very soon after you click the confirm link. Be sure to check your spam folder and promotions tab. If you can’t find it there, contact
Meri Ruiz Says
I am trying to sign up for these free printables… it tells me to “enter your e-mail below…” This is the only place where I see to enter my e-mail. Hmmm.
Meri Ruiz Says
Ha! Now it showed up… my computer/internet have been acting up.
Patsy Craig Says
Looking forward to getting organized. Thanks!
judy Says
I can not open any printables… very frustrating!!
Pamela Says
I can’t wait for the 31 day file at the end of the month! Love your post going to checck out how to d o a blog now! Thanks for your organizational know how!
Breanna Sullivan Says
I really need to get organized and hope these are still available
Chelsea Pence Says
I’m in love with your website
Lisa Says
I’d love a copy of these!
Aleksandra Tasic Says
Love these
Cheryl Says
great printables.!
Kirsten Bourque Says
Tahnee Preedy Says
I love this concept, as every year I’m always looking for a fun planner to go with the year ahead. I like ones that have lil extras like puzzles, quizzes and general knowledge maybe even some nice stickers. Laura can you please make a stickers printable that has ones to help remember important dates and stuff? I think that would give a cute boost to your already fabulous idea!!
Keep on inspiring us to be organised!!
Much loves xxxx
Shawna R Cramer Says
I really need to get organized I am hoping all these are still available
Whitney Edge Says
Love these freebies! Thank you!
Laura Fox Says
Looking forward to using these. beautiful
Hildegaard Abbott Says
I would like to print your 31 printables.
Eleanor Rolfe Says
Is this amazing planner still available free? I hope it is as I love it!
LauraJane Says
Post authorYes
Anna Says
There’s no where to enter my email. Did this get removed in the last couple months?
LauraJane Says
Post authorIt’s still available. You can email and we can send it to you.
Molly Says
Excited to finally get organized
Angela Says
I hope I can find a system that works for me
Shari Dixon Says
J.R. Caparas | Says
I’ve just found your blog today and I’m loving everything! 🙂
Mrs Sarah caunter Says
I’m really enjoying the free printables i just don’t seem to be very motivated at the moment as I’m going through some really bad health problems and hoping these will keep me motivated enough to take my mind of things big thanks x
Tasha Whitsitt Says
So glad you are enjoying them! Hope the fun designs are making you smile and giving you a little extra boost of motivation 🙂