Free Printable Housekeeping Checklist
Welcome, welcome to day 4 of 7 days of free printables!
Do you remember the last time you had the oil changed in your car? Does your stomach drop a little bit when you’re digging through the fridge looking for the eggs and stumble across moldy leftovers from dinner two and a half weeks ago?
Let’s face it: it is HARD to keep track of all the things we are supposed to clean out, freshen up, and take care of. That’s why I love this versatile printable and am so excited to share it with you today!
I call it the “When Did I Last…” page. The concept is quite simple. It’s a chart where you can mark down the last time you changed out bedding and towels, cleaned out your deep freezer, and had your tires rotated, among other things. But the coolest thing about this particular printable is that it is editable. We all have such different responsibilities and needs that I wanted this printable to be able to morph to fit your schedule and life. You can change the tasks along the left column to anything you would like. I think this would be a great page for those of you helping out elderly parents and trying to keep track of their home as well as your own. It’s also great for those of us who aren’t the most automobile-savvy and don’t typically have car maintenance on our mind until the car starts making a weird noise.
You can snatch up your own copy of this freebie by clicking the image below!

And a just a reminder, there's more where this came from in the Sweet Life Society! Click here if you’re ready to start living the sweet life!
I’ll be back tomorrow with a page that some of my fellow business owners are going to love!
Visit the following links to see each day of printables:
Day Three: Daily Water Intake Tracker
Day Four: You are here!
RO Says
Thanks so much, and I love your site! Hugs…RO
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