Day 9: Project Planning Printable
Welcome to Day 9 of the 31 days of free printables!
Today's printable will help you break down major projects into subtasks and track their completion. It's in my favorite purple color scheme!
Click below to download the pdf version of this printable. (IMPORTANT: Be sure to download it soon and save it to your computer because these printables won't be free forever.) Subscribers to my free weekly newsletter (sign up in the box to the right) will receive one pdf at the end of the month with every printable I’m creating for the 31 days. That way you don’t have to worry about downloading each one as we go, and you won't miss out on anything.
The index of each day can be found here as well as a link to a form where you can request to have a printable custom designed just for you!
Sign up below to get this printable sent to you for free.
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Lili Says
THANK YOU! These are fantastic and useful.
Kelly Carlson Says
I’m so confused. I signed up on pinterest to get free downloadables. I confirmed my subscription. It took me to this website, but I don’t see where I can download anything for free. PLease help me because I’m interested in a purchase, but am not sure if it will work for me. So, I want to try it out.
LauraJane Says
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Angie Says
I can’t get anything to download with the free printables. I’ve tried several times. I would like to purchase the entire planner, but I’m hesitant to do so since I’m already having trouble.
LauraJane Says
Post authorUsually your free printables don’t arrive because they went to spam or you’ve already signed up (and our system won’t deliver the same thing twice). However, you can email and we can help you.