Day 18: Purple Daily Docket with Schedule
Welcome to Day 18 of the 31 days of free printables!
Today's printable was a request from Keyla. She wanted a daily schedule in a purple color with times to schedule her activities. She also wanted space for notes, to do's, and a spot to plan dinner for the day.
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Laura Story Says
have a huge request!! II’m looking for a daily to do list. Colorful, with spots for my daily declarations/affirmations, that I can write the top three things I am grateful for that day. Check off water intake, Write my big daily goal and my list of to do’s. OH a follow up with list area would be great. I have seen something similar on pinterest but it is a jpg. Unfortunately I am not as talented as you in this area…but you are my inspiration and i am creating my life planner as we speak!! I can email you the jpg for inspiration if you’d like or if you work better from scratch that’s fine! I like bright bold colors, if it’s black and white it doesn’t catch my interest nor stay in my memory! Thank you so much for all that you do!!