Day 13: Weekly Planning Printable
Welcome to Day 13 of the 31 days of free printables!
Today's printable was a request from Lauren. She was disappointed that Target stopped carrying her favorite planner and wanted a similar layout. (I know how frustrating that is when you find something you love and then you can't get it anymore, so I'm happy to help). She wanted the two page layout with the days in big rows rather than skinny columns and wanted Sat & Sun to share a block. She wants to print it in black and white, so I made it print black and white print friendly. Even if you do choose to print this one in color, it won't take up a lot of ink.
Click below to download the pdf version of this printable. (IMPORTANT: Be sure to download it soon and save it to your computer because these printables won't be free forever.) Subscribers to my free weekly newsletter (sign up in the box to the right) will receive one pdf at the end of the month with every printable I’m creating for the 31 days. That way you don’t have to worry about downloading each one as we go, and you won't miss out on anything.
The index of each day can be found here as well as a link to a form where you can request to have a printable custom designed just for you!
Sign up below to get this printable sent to you for free.
Free Printables

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Jennifer Says
I am loving this series! Thank you so much for doing this again. I enjoyed last years as well. This is definitely one of my favorites =) Thank You!
LauraJane Says
Post authorSo glad you enjoy it!
Oh my gosh! This is SO CUTE!!! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
eileentyber Says
I have signed up twice and have not been able to get a copy of this planner.Please send it to me.
LauraJane Says
Post authorEmail and we’re happy to help.
Jennifer Says
This series was from 3 years ago and the printables are supposed to only be available during that time period. If you get them now that would be very kind of Laura and her team. She typically does a series like this about once a year.