Day 10: Personal Size Daily Planning Sheet
Welcome to Day 10 of the 31 days of free printables!
Today's printable is another one that was requested by several people. It's a daily planning sheet for personal Filofax planners! I know it can be really tough to find printables for that size of planner, so I'm happy to be able to provide one. I do hope to have a lot more printables available in this size eventually, and my ultimate dream is to have the entire Sweet Life Printable Planner available in the personal size. However, it takes some serious time and thought to redesign for a completely different size, so I'm not sure when it will happen.
When you download this printable you'll notice it prints with a bleed and crop marks to make it easier for you to trim it down to size. I also made sure to leave space for the holes you'll need to punch to put it in your planner.
Click below to download the pdf version of this printable. (IMPORTANT: Be sure to download it soon and save it to your computer because these printables won't be free forever.) Subscribers to my free weekly newsletter (sign up in the box to the right) will receive one pdf at the end of the month with every printable I’m creating for the 31 days. That way you don’t have to worry about downloading each one as we go, and you won't miss out on anything.
The index of each day can be found here as well as a link to a form where you can request to have a printable custom designed just for you!
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Melissa Says
I will have to get some ink for the printer and try and see how it prints for a5
LauraJane Says
Post authorIt should print fairly well for A5. The sizes are very similar.
Debra Says
Why is it numbered funny?
LauraJane Says
Post authorThose are the times of day. In the US most people tell time with am/pm system.