25 Things to Declutter in 2025
If you want to start the year off on a good note, there's no better way than to do a declutter for a fresh start! Here are 25 things to let go in 2025. Keep reading, or check out the video here! And if you REALLY want to start your year off with a bang and make this THE YEAR that you finally get your clutter under control, check out Declutter U, the biggest and best course I've ever written on how to completely declutter and get your home in order. Click here to see if it's right for you!
1. Household Cleaners
These do expire, and sometimes we buy things that just don't work all that well or we need to clean one thing but then don't use anymore. Get rid of anything that's too old or that you won't use!
2. Extra Cardboard Boxes
We get so many things delivered, that these really pile up. I save some of them for shipping items or wrapping gifts, but they can quickly overtake a space if you let it go too long. Reduce to just a few. You'll always end up with more boxes in time!
3. Toys
These frequently get broken or just outgrown. Once toys are decluttered, it's easier for kids to find what they actually want to play with!
4. Office Supplies
I'm so guilty of over-buying office supplies. I love pens, post-its, notepads, etc. But I can never get through them all! Pass on the ones you don't need anymore.
5. Books
I am so guilty of this because I just love books! But kids' books are quickly outgrown. And even adult books often don't need to be kept once you've read and and enjoyed them. Unless you plan to re-read them again in the future, pass them along for someone else to enjoy!
6. Empty Plastic Containers
I save some of these– ice cream tubs, cool whip containers, etc.– to use when giving guests leftovers or when I just need a disposable container. But they can get seriously out of hand, and they don't stack together nicely because they're all different. Pare it down to a more manageable amount and toss the rest!
7. Medicines
You don't want to be using expired medicines. It's important to go through them yearly so when you need a medicine, you aren't faced with a bunch of expired ones in your cabinet.
8. Linens
I just decluttered queen size sheets. We don't even have a queen mattress in our house anymore LOL! They were a vestige of when I was first married, and I don't know how they survived in my house that long. Also declutter anything that doesn't have a matching sheet, is ripped, or is just uncomfortable.
9. Jewelry
Styles get dated, and if you're like me and buy some costume jewelry, it can get gross and icky or tarnished.
10. Shoes
Kids outgrow shoes so fast, so that's an easy declutter. But for adults, you should declutter anything that is uncomfortable or too worn. I'm guilty of this with athletic shoes. I wore kept them past their prime and recently caused myself a lot of foot pain because of it. Don't do this!
11. Recipes and Cookbooks
I had cookbooks from when we were eating a special diet that we aren't anymore. I also tend to accumulate a bunch of printed recipes that are just loose. If they aren't going to be saved somehow, it's best to let those go!
12. Games
Get rid of duplicates and games with broken or missing pieces. You should also let them go if you just don't like playing them as well as you like your other games.
13. Garage
The garage just tends to accumulate stuff because they're big spaces, and they're not right in front of our faces like the interior of the home. It's especially important to get rid of the big items that get tossed in the garage and take up a ton of space.
14. Makeup
If it's expired, you do NOT want to be putting it on your face! But you should also toss it if the color just wasn't right for you. I know sometimes it's hard to let go because makeup is expensive, but if the color or formula doesn't work for you, you'll just never wear it!
15. Expired Food
This is relatively easy because there's no sentimental attachment here. Just look for expired products or food you just don't like and will never reach for.
16. Papers to Shred
We all have a few piles of these. Shred and get rid of them!
17. Art Supplies
This can apply to kids or adults. Toss anything that is used up or dried out. Stiff brushes or dull blades can also go.
18. Clothing
Anything you don't wear needs to go. If kids have outgrown something, or if you need to repair an item, either take it to the tailor ASAP or let it go.
19. Coins
Most of us have a coin jar laying around. Cash them in and treat yourself, LOL!
20. Old Electronics
Do you have old phones, chargers, ipads, laptops, cases, etc.? If they aren't super old, you may be able to trade them in. If they're just too old, then recycling is best.
21. Under the Beds
What do you store under your beds? So often we just forget anything is under there because it's out of sight.
22. The Car
Get rid of trash, but also go through your glove box and center console. These can collect all sorts of things from old napkins and expired registrations to 5 year old chapsticks!
23. Old Frames or Artwork
These get changed out when styles change or when hanging new pictures. Donate the old ones!
24. Home Decor
Styles and tastes change over time. Pass on the old stuff. As you're packing up your holiday decor, it's also a good time to get rid of anything broken or that you just don't like anymore.
25. Water Bottles
I accumulate so many of these! Get rid of ones you don't like or ones that are missing parts like a straw or lid or are leaky.
This is a great list to get started, but if you're feeling super motivated and want to keep up the momentum, check out my Declutter U course here! It is a super in-depth course to finally get yourself decluttered and organized for good!

Organization that actually sticks for busy, happy lives.