22 Fast and Easy Ways to Feel Put Together
I hate feeling like I'm in chaos and things are just out of control. When I start to feel like this, I try to do some small things to make myself feel like things are more in order. They can be small, but it can add up to feeling SO much better and more put together! Keep reading for my 22 tips, or watch the video here.
1. Clean your Screens
This sounds so simple, but it makes a HUGE difference. Most of us spend a ton of time each day staring at our computer or phone screens. Dirt on screens is easy to just not notice because it builds up over time, and we just stare through it.
Cleaning them only takes about five minutes. I do like to turn my devices off first, but then just a quick wipe with a cloth and/or cleaner designed for screens is all you need. I end up feeling like I have a new computer!
2. Wear a Favorite Outfit
You don't have to be super fancy, but dress a little nicer than usual. I like dresses– I could go to church, even a casual wedding in a dress that is still super comfortable! Just being out of leggings or sweats makes me feel more ready to tackle the day. I could leave and go anywhere at a moment's notice if I'm dressed a little nicer.
Put on earrings and shoes, too. You know that saying about dressing for the job you want, not the job you have? Well I think you should dress the way you want to feel, not the way you actually feel. Anyone who knows me in real life knows that I am SO not a morning person LOL! For the first half hour, I just want to veg out doing something mindless. But if I get dressed in something more put together, I get a much better start to my day and am always more productive.
3. Get New Dishcloths
These get so gross! Toss them in the wash. Or if they're really bad, toss them in the trash! New ones are pretty cheap. It's also good to wash and replace them often so bacteria doesn't grow, too!
4. Also Get a New Sponge!
These may get even more gross than the washcloths…so don't forget the sponges, too!
5. Freshly Washed Sheets
Does anything feel better than falling into fresh sheets at night? You deserve this feeling, LOL! It may take about ten minutes to change your sheets, but the bed will be made, and you have something to look forward to at the end of the day.
6. Paint Your Nails
Sometimes I splurge and get my nails done at a salon, but painting them at home is much faster. It's also only about $5 for a bottle of polish that lasts for months. Seeing them colorful always cheers me up and makes me smile. I notice it multiple times throughout the day. It really is a quick and easy pick-me-up!
7. Put a Fresh Towel Out at Night
It's something clean to look forward to in the morning. This takes seconds and makes you feel like you prepped something for your morning.
8. Prep Clothes Along with Your Towel
Bonus– include everything like underwear and accessories. Laying out your clothes reduces decision time in the morning and is a great way to give yourself a boost. I put my kids' clothes in days of the week bins as I'm doing laundry.
9. Fresh Flowers
These don't have to be expensive. They can be a $5 Aldi bouquet, or you can bring even a single flower in from outside if they're blooming in your yard. Just one flower in a vase can really freshen and brighten up your home!
10. New Laptop/Phone/Tech Case
This can cost a bit, but you can find new cases fairly inexpensively most of the time. Cases get a little beat up over time, and having a fresh one can both protect your devices better as well as perk you up since they're often something we use and see every day!
You could also add a fresh sticker if you put stickers or decals on your cases. It's just something to give you a change of pace!
11. Fresh Baked Anything
There's that Realtor trick of baking cookies before an open house or showing. The same can apply for you– it can even be store bought, LOL! But it will fill your home with an amazing smell and brighten your day.
12. Car Tidying
This has a HUGE impact because most of us spend a ton of time in our cars. Take out the trash, and wipe down the dust. If you want to do more, you can always take your car through the car wash or even vacuum it out. Many of the car washes around me have free vacuum stations. The dirt and trash can easily sneak up on you in the car, and it make such a difference once it's clean again!
13. Vacuum Lines
I don't know why this makes me so happy, but it totally does! I may not do a detailed vacuum or not vacuum my whole house. But just going over the rug in my main living area and putting in some lines instantly makes me feel like my house is cleaner, LOL!
14. Make Your Bed
This is a common tip for productivity, but it also helps me keep my house cleaner. If my bed is made, I'm much less likely to toss something on it or on my dresser because I don't want to mess up my bedroom.
15. Start your Crock Pot
Sticking something in the crock pot for dinner and turning it on can take literally 5 minutes sometimes! Then you already have dinner “done.” That's a GREAT feeling at 8 am! You're also much more likely to stick with your plan and eat your meal because you've already started it. If I do this, takeout is much less likely, LOL!
16. Menu Planning
Of course planning for the week is a great idea, but if you can't manage that, even planning for today is good! If you plan your evening meal in the morning, you still have time for a Target pickup or to ask a family member to stop for something on the way home. It also just feels better to have a plan when dinner time rolls around!
17. Changing Seasonal Decor
This can take some time, but if you keep it simple, this can also be super fast! We have a mantel with a wreath that we change out seasonally. I may switch out a garland or a few little things, but it is usually pretty quick. This makes the house look different and fresh. Because things are “new,” I notice them more. Seasonal decor never fails to cheer me up a bit!
18. Go for a Walk and Get Some Fresh Air
This is such a simple way to reset. It doesn't have to be a long walk. Sometimes I just go for five minutes. Moving a bit and breathing fresh air really helps my mental state, though. Sunlight is nice too, but even if it's overcast, it still lifts my spirits!
19. Change your Desktop Wallpaper
This is another simple thing. In the GOHQ Insiders, we release a new wallpaper monthly that you can use to switch up your screen and keep things fresh!
20. Eat your Frog!
Okay, we're not literally eating frogs! This is an old saying that means doing the thing you most dread first so that it's out of the way. For me it's making phone calls. I'm not sure why, but I HATE calling for things like a hair or doctor's appointment. I will put it off for so long, and it stresses me out hanging over my head when it would only take me 5 minutes to just make the call. I think 80% of these “frog” tasks usually take 5 minutes or less. Once you get that dreaded task done, you'll have so much positive momentum for your other tasks, and you won't be stressed out dreading your frog task anymore!
21. Burn a Candle
I always find myself “saving” them for a special occasion. Just burn it LOL! Make your house smell nice, and it will feel like a special treat.
22. Clean your Makeup Brushes
This is actually super important. Brushes can harbor bacteria that then goes back onto your face. Clean brushes feel so nice and soft, and they also apply makeup better.
Hopefully there are at least a few things you can try to make yourself feel a bit more put together, even if you're super tight on time. Let me know if you decide to try anything!

Organization that actually sticks for busy, happy lives
Kari Fisher Says
Thank you so much for this post! I thought I was the only one who DREADED making phone calls for …pretty much everything. Sorry you are feeling that way too, but secretly, Im happy to know that I am not alone! LOL Kari
Lreesa Says
Hello! Just wondering what dishcloths you recommend? The ones in your picture look like they would dry fast and stay soft, that’s just what I’m looking for! 😁
Donna Lacey Says
This is such a great post Laura! Thank you for this list; I will definitely try a couple of these soon.
Kim Says
What a great post! Probably my favorite of all you’ve written. I suffer from depression after the loss of my daughter. I can see that these things would help me focus and cheer me up. Thanks.
Laurie Quesenberry Says
Laura, your kids are adorable!
Babilou Says
I love this, thanks!
Carol Hilton Says
Awesome fixes for those blahs. I have them more frequently that I’d like so your 22 possibilities were right on. Many of them I’ve used multiple times, so it pleases me that I’m on the right track.
Becky Fischer Says
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this list. Great things to do.
Nancy Says
Thanks for this post! It’s really helpful on those days, like a life jacket.
Patty Allen Says
I always feel like a weirdo when I do these things. You’ve not only made me feel normal but you made me laugh. These are things I’ve just recently done or that I do when I need a boost: new dish cloths, put out clothes the night before, making my bed makes it so much more comforting when I go to bed, nail polish, candles, like you, I don’t like making phone calls so do them in the morning along with paperwork which I don’t like doing, a quick run of the vacuum. I almost always start my day practicing lettering. One thing I do that makes me excited is declutterring tiny areas. It usually takes less than 10 minutes but it feels like I’ve majorly accomplished something and helps motivate me to do other things. I love your philosophy and you .
Sara Utter Says
I have several chronic health issues, including narcolepsy, so I feel “BLAH” all the time anymore. I love your tips! Several of them are just so simple and take under a minute to do, and you are absolutely right, it does help make you feel like you accomplished something and makes you want to keep going!