21 Tiny Tasks You Can Do Today!
I often fall into the trap of doing nothing on a cleaning or organizing project if I can't do the whole thing at once. If I don't have 6+ hours to devote to a big project, sometimes I just don't start at all! But my friend Ashley always talks about how mosts larger tasks can be broken down into tiny ones that are MUCH more approachable and that you can do in less than 2 minutes! Over the course of a day, this can really add up to a big difference in your home! Here are 21 tiny tasks that you can do today in 2 minutes or less! Keep reading, or check out the video here.
1. Organize One Shelf in the Fridge.
Cleaning and organizing the entire fridge takes a while, but one shelf or one door can be done pretty quickly. If you do this once a day over the course of a week, your entire fridge will be clean!
2. Wipe the Countertops.
You might not have time for doing the whole kitchen, but it's fast to wipe the main counter. Or choose one section to pull things out and do a thorough wipe down. Then put things back. You don't have to do the whole kitchen at once!
3. Clean the Toilet.
This one got me recently. I needed about 20-30 minutes to do a proper bathroom clean. While the whole bathroom really did need cleaned, the toilet was definitely the worst. Why didn't I just clean the toilet, you ask? Good question. It had started to look brown and gross, but for whatever reason, I lumped the toilet in with the whole bathroom clean that I didn't have time for. I should have just taken one minute to do the toilet, and I would have felt much better for a few days until I could get to the whole bathroom.
4. Clean the Microwave Turntable.
These get so gross, and I don't know about you, but I look past it so long without even really seeing the mess. It takes just a couple minutes to wipe things down!
5. Clean Off One Bedside Table.
This serves a really practical purpose. Often I want to set a drink or a book there, and if it's not clean, it just makes things difficult.
6. Take Out the Trash.
Taking out the trash is such a quick chore, yet I often put it off until the bag is overflowing. Then it's too heavy, and things spill out, and it turns it into a much bigger ordeal than if I had just taken it out the day before when it was full. No more!
7. Vacuum a High Traffic Area.
You don't need to vacuum your entire house to make a big impact. If you just hit the main traffic areas or even the area where you eat (all those crumbs!), then it will take care of 95% of what guests would notice when they come into your house.
8. Clean Your Digital Screens.
This one is near and dear to my heart. In less than a minute, you can dust your screens. I promise, you'll get off dirt you didn't even know was there that you were just looking past. Once it's clean, everything is so much more clear and bright! It's kind of like cleaning your glasses (iykyk!).
9. Remove Car Trash.
You might not have time to clean out your entire car, but you can at least grab all the trash and toss it. That alone will make your car feel so much cleaner! Another tip here is to do this while you're getting gas. When the pump runs, do a quick trip through your car to toss all trash into the trash can at the gas station.
10. Tidy Up Shoes.
Shoes seem to accumulate by the door at our house where people kick them off. It takes just a few minutes to line them up neatly or put them wherever they go, and it makes a big visual difference.
11. Dust a Bookshelf.
I hate dusting. I'm not sure why, but since I don't like doing it, it often falls through the cracks at our house. You might not have time to dust your entire living room, but you can do one shelf or one tabletop in about a minute. It all adds up!
12. Change a Lightbulb.
If you don't have to get a ladder, this is a super easy and fast job. It can make your life a lot easier to have functioning lights when you need them!
13. Change Batteries.
I usually see the “low battery” warning on devices like kitchen scales. I try to change them early before they're totally dead. The last thing I want is to be in the middle of using a device, have it die, and then have to stop whatever I'm doing to change them immediately.
14. Declutter 1-5 Items.
A full house or room declutter really does take quite a bit of time. But one drawer or one shelf can be super fast! Do one little thing per day, and before you know it, a whole area or room will be decluttered!
15. Unsubscribe.
You could unsubscribe from emails or better yet subscriptions you don't use but are still paying for. I like to frequently look at my Apple subscriptions to see if I'm paying for apps I no longer need. It's usually just a few dollars (but it also only takes a few minutes!).
16. Delete Emails.
Take the time to unsubscribe, and then delete so you never have to deal with unwanted promo emails from that website again!
17. Delete Extra Photos.
If I'm not at home, this is my favorite tiny task to do with extra pockets of time! If I'm stuck in a line or in a doctor's waiting room, I start going through my photos. Usually there are tons of screenshots I don't need, or ten of the exact same picture, so I'll delete all but the best one. This makes it so much easier to find photos when I need them or add them to albums without having to sift through a bunch of junk!
18. Clean the Tops of the Washer and Dryer.
I'm not sure why, but so much gunk and lint accumulates here. I tend to sit things up here randomly, but taking a few minutes to clear off the tops and wipe them down makes the whole room feel so much cleaner!
19. Empty the Vacuum.
If you have a bag, you want it to be full (but not overfull). So check it regularly, or if you have a canister vacuum, you should empty it pretty often so the filters don't get clogged. It takes seconds to empty this into the trash!
20. Wipe Down Mirrors.
This is another place we tend to just look past dirt without seeing it. Things look brighter and clearer once the dust is gone, though!
21. Restock Paper Products.
The LAST thing I want to happen to a guest in my house is for them to run out of toilet paper! But since I don't use the guest bath often, sometimes I don't even notice if it's running low. I try to make a point to restock all the bathrooms with TP regularly and make sure paper towels are stocked in the kitchen.
22. Bonus Tip!
If you liked these ideas, be sure to go check out Ashley's freebie where she gives you a list of over 300 tiny tasks just like this that you can do in about 2 minutes or less!

Organization that actually sticks for busy, happy lives.